TkEmc install help

I finally got emc up and running (with a lot of help, thanks Paul). Things
seem to run fine with the xemc display but I get errors using Tkemc. This
also happens when running the included tk scripts. I would like to get this
problem worked out. This is what I get when running ./ with the
display set as tkemc.

My system:
Linux kernel   2.2.13-2 (Debian Distribution)
rtl       2.0 rel-1
tcl       8.2.3-2       both runtime and development files
tclx      8.0.4-0.2      both runtime and development files
tk        8.2.3-2       both runtime and development files
gcc       2.95.2
I downloaded the source file emc-1.1-17.src.tgz from sourceforge and

Current platform is linux_2_2_13
Current real-time platform is rtlinux_2_0
inivar = plat/linux_2_2_13/bin/inivar
INIFILE = sim.ini
starting emc...
starting EMC MOTION PROGRAM -- emcmotsim...done
starting EMC IO PROGRAM --  simio...done
Version:  1.12
Machine:  Stepper Stand
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010
00000000 00000000 00000100 11000011
starting EMC TASK PROGRAM -- bridgeporttask...done
Version:  1.12
Machine:  Stepper Stand
00000000 00000000 00000100 11000011
00000000 00000000 00000100 11000011
starting EMC SERVER PROGRAM -- emcsvr...done
00000000 00000000 00000100 11000011
00000000 00000000 00000100 11000011
Issuing EMC_TRAJ_SET_TERM_COND --    (+222,+16,    +0,    +2,)
Issuing EMC_TRAJ_SET_ORIGIN --       (+224,+60,
running EMC DISPLAY PROGRAM -- tkemc...
emcmot: SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS = 32505856
./ line 695: 32336 Aborted
plat/$display_plat/bin/$display -- -ini $INIFILE

If I run any of the tcl scripts (other than sysinfo.tcl, which calls wish
to run and works fine) all I get is "Aborted". I also get this if I try to
run /plat/nonrealtime/bin/iosh.

Any help out there on what I need to do to fix this problem?

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