Re: Can EMC be run accross two PC's

(Dang, I've unlurked and now I can't stop...)

If you look at the NIST EMC/RCS/NML stuff, they claim this should be
a 'feature' using something like TCP/IP/UDP and modifying the NML
configuration.  I'd be _real_ interested if someone has (or would) try this.

I'm _VERY_ new to EMC and still struggling with RCS/NML and haven't
taken more than the cursory look at the division of duties between io,
mot and task.

If anybody could throw me some detailed info on that sort of thing and
perhaps how the UI interfaces with EMC (i'm definitely not a Tkl guru),
maybe a tutorial for us all that would be most excellent.


----- Original Message -----
From: John Guenther <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:39 AM
Subject: Can EMC be run accross two PC's

> Hi All,
> Here is my question, can EMC be split up and run on two PC's?  The idea
> is to put the emcio and emcmot functions on a dedicated processor, maybe
> even a single board computer running LInux.  I would then be running the
> emctask functions, the gui and what ever else on another computer.
> Connection between the two computers would / could be by high speed
> serial interface.
> My theory is that this might allow the emctask functions to be performed
> by a Windoze computer with a familiar user interface.  The time critical
> and complicated functions would be performed on a dedicated computer
> running rt-linux.
> Ok, I've got my nomex suit on so I can stand the flames from this
> question.
> John Guenther

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