Re: new interpreter

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 13:39:35 -0500 (EST), Ray said:

>  On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Will wrote:
>  > I just checked in a number of changes to the CVS archive to allow developers
>  > the option of linking in
>  > Tom Kramer's new RS274 interpreter.
>  > 
>  > To do this, check out the new code then:
>  > 
>  > 
>  > cd emc/src
>  > 
>  > He added 6 axis support but the way I have it linked in it will always zero the
>  >  A,B, and C axis.
>  > 
>  > The .var files are different, which is why I added the
>  > rs274ngc_new_sim.[run,ini,var].
>  Will 
>  Using the Mandrake 7.0 release with gcc 2.95.2.
>  When I tried to compile both Friday and Today, I get a bunch of error
>  messages.  But most are repeats of these below.
>  -----from emcerr.linux_2_2_14.log
>  bin/sh: cd: rs274ngc_new: No such file or directory
>  /bin/sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>  make[82]: *** [clean] Error 128
>  -----end of snippet-----
>  -----from rtlinux_2_2.log
>  /bin/sh: cd: rs274ngc_new: No such file or directory
>  /bin/sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>  /usr/local/nistoct3/rcslib/etc/rtlinux_2_2.def:17: no file name for `include'
>  ..
>  make[82]: *** [clean] Error 128
>  make[81]: *** [clean] Error 2
>  -----end of snippet-----.

Do you have a directory emc/src/rs274ngc_new? If not  try running cvs update
with the "-d" option. 

>From rtlinux_2_2.def at line 17 it has:

RTLMKFILE := $(shell find /usr/src/rtlinux-2.2/ -name | grep -v examples
| grep -v drivers | grep -v schedulers | grep -v fifos | grep -v system )

include $(RTLMKFILE)

Try running the command 

"find /usr/src/rtlinux-2.2/ -name | grep -v examples | grep -v drivers |
grep -v schedulers | grep -v fifos | grep -v system"

It should return something like: 


If it doesn't you could find the file manually hand edit the line


>  Ine thing that I didn't understand from your post above is when I would
>  ask for the make for the new interpreter.  
>  Before packup.

If you run it  before a packup the binary version  that's packed up will be
linked to the new interpreter, the source packup won't be affected.

>  before install

Before the install I suspect it won't work, and even if it does the new
interpreter will get clobbered by the install.

> after install

At the moment this would seem to be the only place that makes sense. Eventually
the install script should probably be modified to accept a 
command line option to use the new interpreter, or just make the new
interpreter the default.

>  Ray

William Penn Shackleford III
National Institute of Standards & Technology	Tel:	(301) 975-4286
100 Bureau Drive Stop 8230			FAX:	(301) 990-9688
Gaithersburg MD  20899	USA
Office Location: Bldg. 220 Rm A253 

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