Anybody have EMC success stories?

EMC folks,

We (NIST) are periodically asked for examples of benefits of NIST work,
in the form of short success stories. Do any of you have examples of how
the work of the EMC group has helped you?

The outline of a typical story is:

Problem Statement
        One or two sentences briefly describing the problem, e.g.,
needed a new feature, obsolete or unavailable control.

Partnering Organizations (incl. Name, City, State, Zip, and
Industry/Market Focus)

Results and Impacts
        Results or impacts on the economy in general or for particular
companies. Some examples include:
        - Reduced transaction costs
        - Increased R&D efficiency
        - Increased company sales, employment, productivity, etc.
        - Reduced impacts on the environment
        - Improved competitiveness
        - New market opportunities

If any of you have something you'd like to submit, please respond to the
list, since we'd all like to know about it.  Thanks.


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