I still can't figure this out.
If I want to do a line at 200 IPM, 50% of max (400 IPM)
with output scale at 0.058 to produce a 5v DAC what
would I set acc & vel to to produce this? Or am I
something else?
Jon Elson wrote:
The standard velocity command signals are historically
+/- 10 V. So, you would decide the highest velocity the
system is capable of, and make +10 V cause the servo
amp to produce such a velocity. Then, there are parameters
in the EMC .ini file that set the scale of the DAC, in volts.
There is some description of this in the document
http://www.isd.mel.nist.gov/projects/emc/emcsoft.htmlThis computation is in mm/sec, I think. So that 400 IPM
= 170 mm/sec, and you want 10 V output for that velocity,
I think you would specify :
OUTPUT_SCALE = 0.058 0
This is calculated as 10 V = 170 * scale or
10 / 170 = scaleJon