Re: EMC - a practical implementation?


I don't know, but I detect a lot of animosity towards something that is of no 
consequence to you, one way or the other.  What did you hope to get out of 
this thread?  For those who are using EMC daily, you're going to have a heck 
of a time trying to convince them that EMC s--ks.  Why discourage those who 
would try it, just because you don't have the capability?  If your time is so 
valuable, then surely you must have the resources to go out and buy a $10k 
program that does what EMC does and more.  I don't own the shop, either - 
I'll get a small compensation when it's running.  Maybe not total 
reimbursement, but I prefer to look at what I've learned as an investment.  
I've learned, in the process.  Judging from other comments, I'm probably 
working on one of the heaviest machines that EMC has been applied to, since 
from its original development.  Jog at 1000IPM, cut at 800IPM, 20HP spindle 
motor, 20 Tool Changer - this ain't no Bridgeport. (In addition, I've had 
several people contact me individually to do similar work to their machines, 
for a FEE.)  This is supposed to be a forum for constructiveness, so again I 
ask - what did you hope to get out of this thread?  Revamp NIST?  Boycott EMC?


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