RE: This weekend..


The problem you are having with the script is that the script is written for
an unformatted hard drive with no existing partitions and only 1 hard drive.
If you want to try using the script with anything but a single drive and no
existing partitions you will need to comment out the line that copies the
new lilo.conf file

This is how the stock script reads:
# Copy RT patch
echo copying Real Time Patch
cp /mnt/floppy/rt9j.tgz /usr/src/release9J.tgz
cp -f /mnt/floppy/lilo.con /etc/lilo.conf 

Just put a # in front of the last line above to comment it out.

Then when lilo.conf is brought up in emacs you will need to edit it manually
and add the complete real time entry. This will solve you no booting
problem. If you already have an install that is working if you boot from a
floppy you need to go into lilo.conf and edit the partition that the RT boot
is pointing to.

[Denver, CO]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anders Blix []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 10:31 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: This weekend..
> This weekend I hav done more than 10 atempts to install 
> RTLinux release9J
> without anny sucsess. 
> The first 5 or so times I tryed to use the script Tim 
> Goldstein have made.
> He wrote that you have to make a workstation install to make 
> it work, so I
> format one of my 1.2G disks (I have got two 1.2G disks an the 
> computer that
> I wil install EMC from the company I work since they have no 
> use for it
> annymore). 
> First of all I want to have a small partition on it that i 
> DOS. Therefore I
> format 300M for that. Ok, then I make a completely new 
> installation from a
> CD i have burned. This is made from an ISO-file I downloaded 
> from RedHat. I
> think the latest versions  for 5.2 of all the components are on it. 
> I folow the procedure in the instruction exactly, but the 
> first time no
> vmlinuz-1 are made at all, so it doesnt work at all. 
> I reinstall it all over again, and this time things seem to go ok. I
> restart, and the boot begins to boot, but when a bit more 
> than a full page
> have been written it halts giving a mesage that I don't 
> remember, but it is
> unable to start something. 
> The next ting I try is to test it on the other harddrive. The 
> drive I used
> the first time had some funny things making it beleve ti war 
> on 1.5G instead
> of 1.2G. I manage to fix it by using fdisk not asigning 
> partitions to more
> space than there actualy are. But this made me think maybe I 
> should try the
> other disk just to be sure. It was at least working perfectly from the
> start. I had already installed a custom install on it, and it 
> had worked
> perfect for a few weeks. 
> But I decid to make a completely new install and folow the 
> script excactly.
> But also this time I wanted to have a DOS partition, so I 
> first made it.
> Could this be a reason for it not working?????? 
> But this time I suddenly had another serious problem. My machine just
> freezed after a  few minutes. The first 3-4 times it did that 
> when I resized
> my windows. When I finaly get the compiling started it 
> freezes in the midle
> of the compiling. The second attempt at compiling is 
> succsefull, but also
> this time my computer is not able to boot. I boots when I use 
> the bootdisk,
> but then I have no RTLinux.
> Then I decidet to try to go throug the script by typing it 
> manually. But
> then I'm not at all able to start xconfig. It comes up with 
> missing files
> and aborts. 
> Now my NT4.0 installation on the DOS-parttition also freezes!!!!!
> Ok, then I have to strugle some hours to get bouth disks to 
> work on the
> computer at the same time. When I finaly manages to do that I 
> install 5.2 on
> the first disk and 6.1 on the second. This seems to work, but 
> I have not
> tryed to install RTLinux on anny of the installations yet. 
> WHY are EMC only ported to 5.2 still???? Most of the files 
> refered to in the
> different installatin tips arn't even there annymore because they are
> considdered to old. And thre are new and hopefully much more 
> stable and
> reliable releases of RTLinux out now. How about a version for 
> any of them.
> The versin for Linux6.1 are on an old beta-version......
> Now it's not long time until I give upp completely and just 
> waits til an
> easy to install version comes out. 
> Phew. This have been some weekend. My girfrend must be at 
> lesat ar irritated
> as me as wel, because I think I have been in front of the 
> computer at least
> 24 hours this weekend. But the worst thing I know is giving 
> up when it realy
> should work!
> Hope annyboddy have some REALY GOOD TIPS. I think I can need that now.
> Anders Blix.
> Norway.
> Not so shure if I ever will be an EMC-user.....

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