EMC-Feb-2000 Bug report ??

Hi all

Now that I'm back up and running, I've downloaded the Feb release of emc and
compiled it first time...
Running a modified 3D backplot GUI, I noticed an unusuasl quirk whilst doing a
plot with Ray's 3dtest.ngc. The virtual tool traces out the circle on the XZ
plane three times instead of just once as it should.
Does anyone else cre to comment ?

I hope Ray doesn't mind me attaching his program on.

Regards, Paul.
n100	(This is a test plot nc program to be run on backplot)
n101	(Author Ray Henry 10-Feb-2000)
n102	g0 g53 x0 y0 z0 f30
n103	x1 y1(start xy circle)
n104	g17 g02 x2 y2 rsqrt[0.5]
n105	x1 y1 r[-1*sqrt[0.5]]
n106	g0 z.1 (add xy lettering)
n107	y1.75
n108	z0
n109	g1 y1.25 x1.4
n110	y1.5 x1.2
n111	y1.25 x1
n112	y1.75 x1.4
n113	g0 z.1
n114	y1.75 x1.6
n115	z0
n116	g1 y1.5 x1.8
n117	y1.75 x2
n118	y1.5 x1.8
n119	y1.25
n120	g0 x0 y0 z0
n121	x1 z1(start xz circle)
n122	g18 g02 x2 z2 rsqrt[0.5]
n123	x1 z1 r[-1*sqrt[0.5]]
n124	g0 y.1 (add xz lettering)
n125	z1.75
n126	y0
n127	g1 z1.25 x1.4
n128	z1.5 x1.2
n129	z1.25 x1
n130	z1.75 x1.4
n131	g0 y.1
n132	z1.75 x1.6
n133	y0
n134	g1 x2
n135	z1.25 x1.6
n136	x2
n137	g0 x0 y0 z0
n138	y1 z1 (start yz circle)
n139	g19 g02 y2 z2 rsqrt[0.5]
n140	y1 z1 r[-1*sqrt[0.5]]
n141	g0 x.1 (add yz lettering)
n142	z1.75
n143	x0
n144	g1 z1.5 y1.2
n145	z1.75 y1.4
n146	z1.5 y1.2
n147	z1.25
n148	g0 x.1
n149	z1.75 y1.6
n150	x0
n151	g1 y2
n152	z1.25 y1.6
n153	y2
n154	g0 x0 y0 z0
n155	m2

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