Hello My name is Karl Klemm. I am a student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. I am doing a project on technology transfer. My group is looking at the specific case of the transfer of the EMC program to small and medium sized manufacturers. We are trying to find out how the EMC technology has affected SME's. Please take a moment to fill out our survey. I have put it inline as well as included as a MS Word document. You can send the completed survey to me: kklemm-at-wpi.edu Thankyou very much for your time. Karl Klemm Enhanced Machine Controller Feedback Form ABSTRACT: This study of the effects that the EMC program has made on your company will be utilized for a project at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. We are currently researching the EMC program in Small to Medium sized Manufacturers (SME). The results will be integrated in the final effectiveness of EMC. INSTRUCTIONS: Below are a few questions that will enable this study to get a better understanding on how EMC has effected the production and effectiveness of your company. Answer the questions with a sentence, or a yes or no. In the remarks section feel free to add any other information that will help this study. Q1. How has EMC affected the overall production time and rate per piece? A1. Q2. What costs have been reduced from the implementation of EMC? A2. Q3. Has the EMC program reduced any jobs that were prior needed for the task that EMC is now doing? A3. Q4. With the introduction to EMC would you now upgrade to a more in depth CAM package? A4. Q5. How difficult was it for you to find out about and obtain EMC? Would there have been a better way? A5. Q6. How difficult was the setup/retrofit of your equipment? Could you think of some better way of doing this? A6. Q7. What are the best and worst experiences that you've had throughout the whole process of finding and installing EMC? A7. Q8. What was the cost of the implementation? A8. Q9. How long did the overall implementation take? A9. Q10. What kind of machine/brand/model/controller/motors were converted? A10. Q11. Any further remarks that will help this study appreciate the effectiveness of the EMC program? A11.