Re: TkEmc problems

The dropbox robot seems to be down for a bit. Steve and crew
are working on it.  In the mean time, if you want anything deposited there
just email it to me direct at     and I will ftp it
in directly.

>Hi,  I add a few things I mailed to Dan:
>( I cut it out from some of my 486 page discussion)
> My main concerns:
>How can I write anything like this,  so that it gets easy for you to
insert it
>into the cookbook with a minimum of work ?

Don't worry about style or spelling, just type out your ideas and I will
clean it up and put it in. I come from the Jimi Hendrix school of thought-
put your ideas down fast and we'll clean it up in the mix ;>)  (Electric
Ladyland version- we'll turn the tape around and play it backwards)

>I tried to follow the draft that Fred proposed for the chapters, etc.  I have
>raised this question before:  Should we automate it somewhat - by pulling out
>some sort of template from the site + have I little guide.

If you want, view the source code to Ray's page on Variables.  Use his
style-colors and borders, etc...  That is what I intend to do from here on
out.  (Thanks Ray!)

>Here is a few thoughts:  
>Let just say you had a html page,  with words like "Subject", "Title", 
>"Subdivisjons" ,  and dividing lines.  Many just <your text goes here> ,
>that people would see how much tabulation etc. - Well, you know what I mean,
>and the " little guide would say a few words - and maybe point  a link to
a good
>page that someone have written.
>I would also add:  There should be a short description on the top, that could
>serve as a short form look up - sort of thing.
>I am writing this in KDE, - have no spell checking :)  Here they have made a
>lot of single html pages, - making up the handbook.  This is in fact
terrible -
>because you may want to print it out, - and it becomes a nightmare.  I would
>ask  Fred, et al - or some other guru - how you can convert it into
>or pdf.  In the end,  it would be very nice if you could have the whole
>handbook downloaded in such a format.        

Don't worry about trying to print it out yet!  We only have 5 chapters so
far.  You will end up printing out a lot of redundant stuff if I add to it
frequently and it is formatted in one giant page.  I don't like the idea of
editing one huge page right now too.  I make backups of the stuff that I
ftp onto the site, but it would sure be awful to make a mistake while
editing a chapter and lose the whole thing.
Just bite the bullet and print off what you need, when you need it.  We can
make a postsript or pdf version later on.  

>I would keep a list of the authors, - just for the administration.  Any
>in the page, - let just say I have calculated the memory addresses wrong,
>at the bottom of each insent title, there should be a - report error to -
>link.  People should be able to type in a note, and this should then look up
>the "hidden authors" list, and forward the mail back to the author. If this
>person changes email address,  are not longer to get hold of,  then this
>"hidden list"  will be updated.
>I hate the idea of my email address out in the open.  

Ok,  I will keep your email address off the page.   It is done.

>I don't know how all this is going to work out, - I may have another job
>tomorrow,  - and can't  support my page or what ever I end up doing. This
>"hidden authors"  list,  can then easy be changed to another person that
>in and take over some of the responsibility.
>I don't quite understand what Fred proposed, - making some sort of
>and selected "staff"  members, etc.  We like to be free ? - don't we ?  
>I am not sure if you would like to be in charge of correcting and editing
>in this handbook, ( or cookbook )  hmm.... I would change the name ) 

>But I think that you have to make authors responsible for their page, -
but in
>a nice way.  The same thing with everything else.  So the "hidden" list -
is a
>more nice way to do it, else people would not want to contribute. Simply
>because - am I really going to take this burden  ?
I don't like the idea of committees too much.  It seems like they  don't
work too well for creative processes.  We all seem to work together pretty
well as we are doing now.  Creative discussion via email seems to be
getting a lot done already.

>The thing is - this might grow out of our hands,  if we don't  plan a
>Just think about it - in a few years -  half of the globe will be witness
>everything you do.  That is a lot of people !!!! 
That's a good thing for everyone concerned.  We can watch the rest of the
globe too.  One can learn a lot by looking around.

>I know I have offended some with my linux speaches,  but I think this
should be
>number one platform to focus on. 

Don't worry about it.  I think that you are right about Linux versus
Windows.  Linux has room to grow, Windows is at the end of it's rope.

>( Am I just silly here ? Out of context ? )

No. You speak your mind, like you should.  




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